Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gear Lust

I'm in the process of looking to buy a bass guitar. I've wanted to play a real "band" instrument for a while - my main instrument is French Horn, and that's not really conducive to jamming or playing with a rock/funk band. I've had issues making this decision though, because the little voice in my head that has served me so well over the years says "you don't NEED that do you? it's just for FUN. we're in a RECESSION for crying out loud!" But then the other voice says, "but if you are really going to learn to play it, and it will bring you enjoyment, and you don't give it up in a year, it will totally be worth it."

Now, I'm not looking to buy a top of the line Warwick for three k's, just a starter bass, or whatever I can find on eBay for about 250 total. But this is a really hard decision. My entire life I have resisted what I consider "gear lust," or buying software/hardware for your music just because it's awesome. It may make your tracks better, but you could very easily do without it by learning what you already have to a fuller extent.

Not sure what to do here though. I really want to buy a bass, but I feel like I'm slapping down a big wad of money on something I don't need, at a time where it's smarter to save... :/

1 comment:

  1. Buy a bass. You won't regret it. Think of all those terrific basslines by McCartney, James Jamison, Bruce Thomas -- those lines are a blast to play! I bought my first bass second-hand for $100 bucks (with amp) about 30 years ago -- that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship! --Annmarie
